Debbie Cresswell

Deb, a writer and psychotherapist hailing from the U.K., has made significant contributions to a plethora of parenting, food, and lifestyle publications tailored for both U.K. and U.S. readerships. Her writing endeavors are fueled by a passion for exploring topics spanning mental health, family lifestyle, books, education, and entertainment.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Deb finds joy in immersing herself in the worlds of literature, cooking up culinary delights, and tending to her allotment. Among her preferences, Deb holds a fondness for Indian cuisine, literary fiction, engaging in Scrabble matches, and the comforting warmth of hot water bottles.

On the flip side, there are certain things that Deb prefers to keep at arm’s length. Intolerance and inequality top the list of her dislikes, accompanied by a less-than-favorable view towards cats and mayonnaise.